Vitoria-Gasteiz and Júndiz connected by a green corridor after phase 5 of the Mendebaldea project is completed


Vitoria-Gasteiz and Júndiz industrial estate are now connected by a green corridor after phase 5 of the Mendebaldea project was completed. It runs alongside the N-102 road and has received an investment of €150,000 euros, partly funded by the Basque Government through the LIFE Urban Klima 2050 project.

The new green corridor has included the reforestation of public plots located in the south part of Júndiz, and a new pedestrian and cycle path, which has made it possible to link the service area of the industrial estate with the neighbourhood of Zabalgana, via the Ibaia campsite and the village of Zuazo.

This phase began in September last year with the construction of the road, “using recycled materials from the Gardelegui municipal recycling plant. Species that are typical of the Llanada Alavesa area have also been planted along the corridor in order to create thickets, holm oak groves, gall oak groves and riverside forests, as well as aromatic shrubs and fruit trees,” explained Mayor Maider Etxebarria at the usual Friday press conference after the Local Council Meeting.

To complete all these actions and give continuity to the route, at the beginning of the year two wooden footbridges were built over a ditch and a stream that crosses the area. Now that the project has been completed, the councillor stressed that “from now on, and for the next two years, we will be carrying out maintenance work to ensure that all this vegetation takes root”.

Five phases completed 

Phase 5 of the Mendebaldea project, together with the 4 previous ones, has ended with the creation of a large green corridor between the town of Margarita and the Zabalgana neighbourhood, bordering the west and south part of the Júndiz industrial area. In total, €700,000 have been invested in the work carried out on 43 hectares of land where, as Maider Etxebarria pointed out, “the environmental quality of degraded soils has been improved, thousands of trees and bushes have been planted, the area surrounding the industrial estate has been naturalised, sustainable drainage systems have been set up and carbon sinks have been created. Ultimately, we are helping to mitigate climate change”.