08/11/2022 :
Urban Klima 2050 to participate in a UNED course on the climate emergency


Urban Klima 2050 will participate in a course entitled ‘Climate Emergency: adaptation as an efficient tool against climate change’ organised by UNED Tudela from 21 September to 18 April. With a total of 22 teaching hours and in an online format, this series of talks deals with general concepts and work methodologies on climate change through real cases of adaptation.

On 8 November, Malake Muñoz, head of Climate Action Projects at Ihobe and technical supervisor of LIFE IP Urban Klima 2050 will participate in the session entitled ‘The local environment and its adaptation’ with the speech ‘Urban Klima 2050: transformative project for the resilience of the Basque Country’. Representatives from the LIFE-IP NAdapta-CC, LIFE Good Local Adapt and LIFE ADAPTATE projects will also take part in the talk.

The programme will be completed with technical staff who are currently professionally involved in climate change projects from more than twenty organisations.