Urban Klima 2050 presents several tools to boost climate action in the Udalsarea 2030 Technical Committee


Urban Klima 2050 took part in the Udalsarea 2030 Technical Committee on 9 June, where it presented several of the tools it is working on to promote climate action in the Basque Country. The session, which brought together around fifty attendees, unveiled the 2022 Management Plan of the Basque Network of Sustainable Municipalities and the work lines to promote in the forthcoming months.

In addition, the conference devoted part of its session to the presentation of a set of tools and instruments available to promote climate action in municipalities and districts. A comprehensive overview was provided of the main diagnostic instruments for both mitigation and adaptation available to municipalities and districts to guide climate action through actions and good practices.

Among these instruments, Malake Muñoz, an Ihobe technician, provided a brief overview of the set of tools, highlighting the innovative potential of some of them, such as a tool for calculating absorptions, the possibility of accessing climate scenarios and vulnerability and risk analysis sheets for each municipality; in addition to the 'Kostaegoki' tool, dedicated to the analysis of vulnerability, risk and adaptation of the Basque Country's coastline in the face of climate change, and which provides information of great importance for all those municipalities and districts located on the coast, which account for 65% of the Basque population.

It also presented the guide to facilitate the development of local climate and energy plans for Basque municipalities, a new local planning tool for climate change mitigation and adaptation, developed within the framework of the LIFE IP Urban Klima 2050 project, within the group of actions aimed at generating tools and training for local administrations. This guide provides Basque local councils and districts with a clear methodological framework, highlighting the resources and tools available for tackling climate action at a local level in line with the current and future regulatory framework.

On the other hand, Ihobe also presented two other instruments: a tool for calculating the carbon footprint for counties and a tool for calculating GHG emissions inventories at a district level, available on request from Udalsarea 2030.

Furthermore, Ihobe and Udalsarea 2030 publications were presented in relation to natural solutions and good practices in adaptation to climate change and guides for the preparation of adaptation plans for organisations to climate change.