Urban Klima 2050 presents a transformative project for the resilience in the Basque Country within the climate emergency course taught by the UNED
The LIFE IP Urban Klima 2050 project, the Basque Country’s leading climate change initiative for the coming years, will participate in the course, organised from 21 September to 18 April by the UNED Tudela, whose main subject will be the climate emergency and adaptation to climate change.
With a total of 22 teaching hours and in an online format, this series of talks entitled ‘Climate Emergency: adaptation as an efficient tool against climate change’’ will explain general concepts and work methodologies regarding climate change through real cases of adaptation in approachable, understandable language.
During this seven-month course, technical staff currently working on climate change projects will teach their students basic aspects of climate change in eleven theoretical and practical sessions. Among the subjects dealt with during the course on climate change are the different tools and specific apps available, the local environment and its adaptation, agricultural adaptation, the landscape and urban planning, adaptation of infrastructures, silvopasture, the effects of climate change on health, forest adaptation, and governance, strategies and management.
Urban Klima 2050: transformative project for the resilience of the Basque Country
On 8 November, Malake Muñoz, head of Climate Action Projects at Ihobe and technical supervisor of LIFE IP Urban Klima 2050 will participate in the session entitled ‘The local environment and its adaptation’ with the speech ‘Urban Klima 2050: transformative project for the resilience of the Basque Country’. Representatives from the LIFE-IP NAdapta-CC, LIFE Good Local Adapt y LIFE Adaptate projects will also take part in the talk.
More than twenty projects and organisations
The following projects and bodies complete the programme: LIFE IP Urban Klima 2050, AEMET, LIFE-IP Nadapta-CC, NASUVINSA, Pyrenean climate change observatory (OPCC), Adaptation of the local environment in Navarre (PACES), LIFE Good Local Adapt, LIFE ADAPTATE, LIFE AgroMitiga, Environmental Management of Navarre (GAN-NIK), Spain Hydrographical Confederation of the Ebro, Pirineos la Nuit, LIFE Vía de la Plata, LIFE CityAdap3, Escuela Técnica Superior de Ingeniería de Montes, Forestal y del Medio Natural (UPM), LIFE Adapt, Instituto de Salud Carlos III, National Network for Digital Entomology (ReNED), LIFE Soria Forest Adapt, The Spanish Office for Climate Change (OECC) Ministry for Ecological Transition and the Demographic Challenge.