SDGs and climate change with young people
- 18/10/2024
8 workshops with three schools in Gipuzkoa
The purpose of this activity is to raise awareness among high school students about the relevance of climate change, the 2030 Agenda and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). It also aims to find out how these young people perceive the challenge of climate change, their level of understanding of the problems it represents and the measures, both individually and collectively, that they can take to achieve the SDGs.

The activity aims, through the use of participatory dynamics and gamified games, both face-to-face and digital in the format of Trivial Pursuit, to raise awareness, increase knowledge and generate a space for dialogue where young people reflect on the main challenges facing humanity during this century. Through various questions and challenges, they are introduced to the goals, targets and indicators of the sustainable development agenda. In addition, the aim is for them to share their experiences and present specific proposals to advance in the achievement of the SDGs related to climate and biodiversity, which will allow for the planning and design of specific awareness-raising actions in these areas aimed at this target audience.