14/09/2023 :
Presentation of the 'Let's Clean Up Euskadi’ publication


The objective of the on-line conference is to present the 'Let's Clean Up Euskadi publication, which seeks to organise clean-up operations in natural areas that have been polluted by illegal dumping, littering or waste carried by rivers or tidal forces.

Both the publication and the on-line conference are aimed at all stakeholders called upon to participate in these actions: citizens, public administrations, companies and NGOs. 

The manual was drawn up with the aim of systematising and providing common guidelines for the conception, recording, development and communication of the results of the actions to be carried out in the Basque Country within the European "Let's Clean Up Europe” campaign, which in turn forms part of the European Week for Waste Reduction.

These clean-up actions help prevent and resolve illegal dumping and uncontrolled landfills, thus bringing the need to be aware of our actions in terms of waste generation to the forefront.

Programme 14/09/2023

10am Opening

Aitor Sáez de Kortazar Jungitu. Circular Economy and Eco-innovation Area. Ihobe

10.05am Overview of the European Week for Waste Reduction and Let's Clean Up Europe 

Aitor Saez de Kortazar Jungitu. Circular Economy and Eco-innovation Area. Ihobe

10.25am Presentation of the technical contents of the Let's Clean Up Euskadi Manual.

Cristina Gil. Partner-Responsible for the Waste Area. CIMAS-Innovation and Environment.

10.50am Presentation of two Let's Clean Up Euskadi actions case studies.

Case Study 1: Let's Clean Up Euskadi actions carried out by the Ekoetxeak Network. Mari Luz Gómez. Climate Action. Ihobe

Case Study 2: Bizkaia Gara" action. Leire Ortiz de Zarate. Coordinator. Bizkaia Gara.

11.30am Discussion.

11.40am End of the Conference.