Kamishibai. Maiterki and climate change

30/05/2021 - 02/10/2021
Ekoetxea Network: Meatzaldea, Txingudi, Urdaibai
60 attendees


The goal of Kamishibai. Maiterki and the Climate Change was to make children aged between 5 and 11 to thing about climate change and to learn what can be done to combat it.

Based on a traditional Japanese storytelling technique, Kamishibai. Maiterki and Climate Change was a workshop specifically aimed at families (mothers, fathers and children aged 5-11), where reading, writing and visual art techniques were used to get them to reflect on climate change and to learn what they can do to combat it.

Used as an education tool to develop reading, writing, languages, visual art skills, etc, Kamishibai encourages concentration and gets children to completely focus so they (audience and performer) share emotions such as joy, sadness, happiness and fear.   The creator Iñaki Martiarena read a Kamishibai-style tale to do with climate change, followed by a drawing and writing workshop.