06/07/2023 :
INNOT 23 technical workshop: climate resilience in urban planning

In person: Auditorio Joan Plaza. Jardín botánico de Valencia

It will cover both methodological approaches to integrate climate risk into spatial and urban planning, as well as governance structures to improve territorial and urban climate resilience.

Knowledge transfer will take centre stage

Law on Climate Change in relation to spatial planning instruments

The workshop will focus mainly on the implementation of the Law on Climate Change in relation to land and urban planning instruments. Two years after the law was adopted, it seems pertinent to take stock of the situation:

Live broadcast via YouTube

The event will be broadcast live on the YouTube channel of the Valencia Regional Culture Department.


9:30-9:50 am

Opening ceremony

Representative of the University of Valencia UVEG; Representative of the Valencian Regional Government’s Department of Spatial Planning and Public Works; Joaquin Farinós Dasí, Director, Chair of Valencian Territorial Culture and President of FUNDICOT.

9:50-10:45 am 

Analysis of the Law on Climate Change and Energy Transition and its implications for spatial and urban planning. Methodological framework for adaptation in spatial and urban planning.

Francisco Heras Hernández, Technical Advisor, Spanish Office for Climate Change (OECC); Ángela de la Cruz Mera, Deputy Director General for Urban Policies, Ministry of Transport, Mobility and Urban Agenda; Gemma García-Blanco, Senior Researcher, TECNALIA; Moderator: Efrén Feliu.

10:45 - 11:15 am

Coffee break

11:15 am - 1:15 pm 

State of play: what are the challenges associated with implementing Law 7/2021? Opportunities for innovation to speed up the incorporation of climate change into technical regulatory instruments.

Rosa Pardo Marín, Director General of Territorial Policy and Landscape of the Valencian Community; Segundo Álvarez Guirado, Strategic Environmental Assessment Technical Expert at the Provincial Delegation of Cadiz of the Andalusian Regional Government; Izaskun Abril Olaetxea, Director General of Spatial Planning of the Government of Navarre; Spatial Planning Service of the Basque Government (to be confirmed); Moderator: Efrén Feliu. 30' Questions/discussion.

1:15 pm - 2:30 pm


2:30- 4:30 pm

Local experiences of planning instruments that have managed to respond in a solvent manner to the requirements of this Law.

Mari Mar Alonso, Director of Climate Action, Ihobe; Susana Ruiz Fernández, Technical Section of Urban and Spatial Planning, Bilbao City Council; Gabriel Ros Hernández, architect; Representative of Seville City Council (to be confirmed); Eric Gielen, Deputy Director of Research, Department of Urban Planning, Polytechnic University of Valencia; Moderator: Gemma García

4:30 - 5:00 pm Coffee Break

5:00 - 6:00 pm

Perspectives, challenges and opportunities: potential for innovation in relation to discipline and administrative techniques in spatial and urban planning for climate resilience.

Manuel Borobio Sanchiz, Urban Architect ABT+; Jorge Olcina Cantos, Professor of Regional Geographical Analysis at the University of Alicante; Roberto Galán Vioque, Professor of Administrative Law at the University of Seville; Efrén Feliu Torres, Head of Adaptation to Climate Change at TECNALIA. Moderator: Joaquín Farinós.

6:00 - 6:15 pm Closing ceremony

Dr. Joaquin Farinós Dasí, of the Chair for Valencian Territorial Culture; Representative of the Department of Spatial Policy, Public Works and Mobility of the Generalitat Valenciana; Representative of the University of Valencia (Vice-Chancellor or Dean of the Faculty).