06/07/2023 - 07/07/2023 :
Education for Sustainability School 2030: energy-climate transition and citizen activation

In person: Palacio Miramar Jauregia · Donostia

The Basque Country has joined the European Green Deal and has its own roadmap for a more sustainable future, providing a way out of the crisis without leaving anyone behind. The Basque Green Deal (BGD) includes the goals of reducing emissions and generating renewable energy, but it is not limited to these areas, as it came about as an economic model with industry and technology as the main drivers, so that science, technology, circular economy, industry, energy transition or the food chain itself are aligned with the same objective: fair and sustainable development.

Education for sustainability is a key tool for achieving the eco-social change and transformation that the fulfilment of the 2030 Sustainable Development Goals and the Basque Green Deal set out for a sustainable Basque Country of the future. This second edition of the school is a new opportunity for stakeholders to meet and discuss challenges and share solutions by theme. Focusing different key perspectives on education for sustainability.


·       Enable teachers specialised in environmental education and other collaborating entities to meet and reflect.

·       Know how the energy-climate challenges that affect citizens can be presented and worked on through Education for Sustainability and to access teaching resources.

·       Find out about and debate experiences in the Basque Country and in other territories that are developing Education for Sustainability actions with a transformative approach.

·       Reflect on the values and new learning experiences in order to advance in terms of sustainability and eco-social challenges.



DAY 1 - 06/07/2023

8.45 - 9am Registration

9 - 9.15am Institutional opening

Amaia Barredo Martín. Deputy Minister for Environmental Sustainability | Basque Government.

Itziar Alkorta Idiakez. Director of Summer Courses | UIK EHU/UPV Summer Courses Foundation

9.15 - 10am The current challenges of environmental education and citizen activation.

M. Luz Díaz Guerrero. Director of the Huerto Alegre Educational Innovation Centre - President of the Andalusian Network of Environmental Education Centres.

10 - 10.30am Promoting environmental education in the Basque Country: decree and main lines of work.

Mikel Ballesteros García. Environmental education and training service. Basque Government.

10.30 - 11:00am The new Network of environmental centres in the Basque Country, Ekoetxea.

Xabier González Vegas. Director of environmental sustainability at Ihobe. Basque Government.

11 -11.30am Coffee Break

11.30am - 1.30pm Round table: Challenges and experiences for citizen activation in the face of climate emergency and energy transition.

Moderator: Ainhoa Diez de Salazar. Technical manager of the Ekoetxea Network of Environmental Centres. Ihobe, Basque Government.

In the face of the climate emergency, the role of the environmental educator is us and it is now.

Serafín Huerta Alcalá. Technician in environmental education - Centre d'Educació Ambiental de la Comunitat Valenciana.

The role of schools, students, teachers and families in bringing about the necessary change.

Miriam Campos Leirós. Primary school teacher. Environmental educator. Coordinator of Teachers For Future Spain.

Citizens facing the challenge of adapting to the consequences of climate change

Julio Díaz Jimenez. Co-director Researcher of the Reference Unit on Climate Change, Health and Environment at the Carlos III Health Institute.

1.30 - 3pm Lunch - Coffee break

3 - 3.45pm Let people get active, mobilise, think, push and change. The role of environmental education.

Andreu Escrivà i Garcia. Environmentalist and driver of the climate conversation - Writer, environmental scientist and PhD in Biodiversity.

3.45 - 5.30pm Round table: Overcoming eco-fatigue and eco-anxiety: how to advance environmental education in a world of contradictions.

Moderator: Mariluz Gomez Fernandez. Project manager, citizen activation in environmental matters. Ihobe, Basque Government.

M. Luz Díaz Guerrero. Director of the Huerto Alegre Educational Innovation Centre - President of the Andalusian Network of Environmental Education Centres.

Serafín Huerta Alcalá. Technician in environmental education - Centre d'Educació Ambiental de la Comunitat Valenciana

Andreu Escrivà Garcia. Environmentalist and driver of the climate conversation - Writer, environmental scientist and PhD in Biodiversity.

5.30pm End of the day

DAY 2 - 07/07/2023

9 - 10am Anthropocene: the future is unwritten.

Jose Manuel Gutiérrez Bastida. Environmental educator. Ingurugela - Basque Government

10 -11am Educating with an eco-social approach: analysis and orientations in the framework of the LOMLOE.

Luis González Reyes. Head of eco-social education. FUHEM Foundation

11 -11.30am Coffee Break

11.30am - 2pm Workshop AGENDA 2030 What is the 2030 agenda and its 17+1 goals? What impact can they have on different educational settings?

What eco-social problems can we find in each goal?

Facilitator: Ingurugela

14:00 End of the workshop