30/09/2022 :
CONFERENCE: Instruments for climate action on natural heritage

In person: Palacio de Congresos y Exposiciones Europa

The tools presented at this conference seek to facilitate the process of diagnosing the effects of climate change on the natural heritage of the Basque Country by presenting results on the climate risk of terrestrial habitats and the bioclimatic analysis. The methodologies developed to carry out this diagnosis, which could be transferred to other Autonomous Communities or regions, will also be presented. On the other hand, tools that can facilitate the integration of the climate perspective into the Natura 2000 Network’s management documents will be presented, along with specific examples of how to incorporate adaptation into the management of groups of species, such as amphibians or pollinators.

Attendance at the event can be in person or via ZOOM. Please tick your preference on registering.




Programme - 30/09/2022


9am   Institutional opening 
Adolfo Uriarte, Director of Natural Heritage and Climate Change. Basque Government


9.20am   Challenges of climate change for biodiversity in Europe
Irene Bonvissuto. Adaptation to Climate Change Mission. Directorate-General for Climate Action. European Commission


9.40am    How to address climate action in the Natura 2000 Network 
Ministry of Ecological Transition. Spanish Climate Change Office

José Antonio Atauri Mezquida. EUROPARC- Spain


10.20am    Break


10.50am   Instruments for addressing climate action in the Basque Natura 2000 Network 

Incorporation of the climate perspective:
Methodology. Ainhize Butrón Mota. Climate Action Area, Ihobe, Basque Government’s Public Environmental Management Company.

Case study on the protected area in the Basque Country.  Javier Pérez, Mikel de Francisco. HAZI Fundazioa.


Climate change and biodiversity risk analysis
Climate risk methodology for terrestrial habitats. Íñigo Ortiz de Zárate. Idom.

Results of the bioclimatic analysis and climate risk analysis of terrestrial habitats for the Basque Country. Laura Gutiérrez García. Climate Action Area, Ihobe, Basque Government’s Public Environmental Management Company.


Analysis of the climate perspective of a Management Plan
Ainhize Butrón Mota. Climate Action Area, Ihobe, Basque Government’s Public Environmental Management Company.


Adaptation Measures:
Adaptation measures on amphibians. Maria Jesús Arrayago, EKOS Estudios Ambientales

Adaptation measures on pollinators. Yerai Monasterio, Zerynthia


Recommendations for the use of tools.
Mari Mar Alonso Martín. Climate Action Area, Ihobe, Basque Government’s Public Environmental Management Company.


1.25pm Close
Basque Government