Climate indicators

Within the framework of the LIFE IP URBAN KLIMA 2050, a scorecard has been developed that includes 3 types of indicators: climate variables, sectoral monitoring and mitigation /adaptation.

The selected climate indicators show the long-term evolution of key variables that are used to assess global and regional trends of a changing climate. The indicators have been selected from those suggested by the European Union's Earth Observation Programme (Copernicus) and the Global Climate Observing System (GCOS). The indicators have been developed from observed data collected by Basque Government measuring stations or by the centres of the Basque Science and Technology Network in the Basque Country.

The set of these indicators draws the baseline for the exhaustive study of climate trends that will allow in turn, to analyze the impact on the Basque Country derived from climate change.

For each indicator, temporary information on its evolution is shown together with a brief definition of the same, so that those who read it can easily and visually understand the trend of change shown by each indicator. The Climate Indicators are aimed at a non-specialist audience interested in the global change observed in the climate system. At the same time, users who wish to deepen their knowledge of the indicators will be able to find an extensive explanation on the calculation methodology accompanied by a section with photos, data sources and references.

The periodicity of updating will depend on the case studies of each indicator, being a maximum of 1 year.

Climate variable indicators

Sectoral monitoring indicators

Mitigation / adaptation indicators

Soil organic carbon