22/10/2024 :
Adaptation of the Basque coastline as defence against climate change. From planning to case studies

In person: Palacio Euskalduna Jauregia (Bilbao)

The inclusion of climate change adaptation in the policies, plans and strategies that have a bearing on the organisation and planning of the coastline in the Basque Country has taken great strides forward in recent years thanks to data generation, information, tools, methodologies and studies that have been developed in the field of climate change adaptation.

This conference aims to present the progress made in recent years, focusing mainly on climate risk analysis and guidelines for adaptation on the Basque coastline. The second part of the conference will also present good practices and success stories related to coastal adaptation measures.

Programme  22/10/2024

9.30am Opening

9.45am Kostaegoki: Risk and vulnerability analysis and adaptation measures for the Basque coastline

Carlos Castillo Galán. Project Manager in the Climate Action Department. Ihobe, Public Environmental Management Company. Basque Government

10:00am Flood risk management planning on the coast from the Basque water administration

Rubén Santos Alonso. Technician of the Flood Prevention Area. Basque Water Agency (URA)

10.00am Progress of the Coastal Territorial Sectoral Plan (PTS): review from a climate perspective

Jon Asua Aberasturi. Head of the Territorial Organisation and Planning Service. Department of Housing and Urban Agenda. Basque Government

10.30am Adaptation of the coastline to climate change through urban planning in the Basque Country  

Gemma García Blanco. Senior researcher. Energy, Climate and Urban Transition Unit. Tecnalia

10.45am Bahia Plan - Integrated Coastal Zone Management as a tool for adaptation to climate change

María Merino González-Pardo. Coastal Engineering and Management Group. Institute of Environmental Hydraulics at the University of Cantabria "IH Cantabria".

11.00am Coffee Break

11.45am Coastal adaptation measures. Applied cases

1.30pm Close