- 20/05/2022
4th International Colloquium on Climate Change in mountain areas
In person: Palacio Euskalduna - Bilbao
Next 19 and 20 May the Euskalduna Bilbao Conference Centre will host the 4th International Colloquium on Climate Change in mountain areas. The event, which includes the participation of the Basque Government and Ihobe, is organised by the Pyrenean Climate Change Observatory (OPCC) of the Working Community of the Pyrenees (CTP), a body that is currently presided by the Basque Country.
Its aim is to present the results of the OPCC ADAPYR project and those of the projects of axis 2 of the iNTERREG POCTEFA 14-20 ACCLIMAFOR, FLORAPYR Avance and ADNPir programme.
Among the main results, the following will be presented:
- The first Pyrenean climate change strategy (EPiCC).
- The sectoral adaptation guidelines.
- The latest novelties in observation and climate through the Pyrenean climate change newsletter.
- Advances in citizen science and environmental education.
In addition, there will be a session dedicated to an appraisal of good adaptation practices in the Pyrenees and an institutional block that will include representatives from European institutions, states and regions, on the subject of climate change and mountain areas.
On the other hand, the Al paso del hielo documentary will première. A different vision to understand the recent evolution of Pyrenean glaciers and the associated changes.
The conclusion of the Colloquium will be published in the OPCC website and will include the report on the results of the OPCC ADAPYR project and a summary document on the presentations of the conference.